Quick Stats

Quick Stats are a series of free, publicly available, reports that provide aggregate-level data about health care in Canada. Unless otherwise indicated, the original data is provided to CIHI by Canada’s provinces and territories.

You can view this data in two different ways:
  • An interactive format lets you manipulate how you see the health system information. Choose from specific time frames, diagnosis groups, hospital types and so on. 
  • A static format has information in tables that are easy to print.
Type Data Holdings Title Sort descending
Pre-formatted Table HMDB , NACRS , OMHRS Injury and Trauma Emergency Department and Hospitalization Statistics, 2018–2019
Pre-formatted Table HMDB , NACRS , OMHRS Injury and Trauma Emergency Department and Hospitalization Statistics, 2019–2020
Pre-formatted Table HMDB , NACRS , OMHRS Injury and Trauma Emergency Department and Hospitalization Statistics, 2020–2021
Pre-formatted Table HMDB , NACRS , OMHRS Injury and Trauma Emergency Department and Hospitalization Statistics, 2021–2022
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB , OMHRS Inpatient Hospitalization, Surgery and Newborn Statistics, 2017–2018
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB , OMHRS Inpatient Hospitalization, Surgery and Newborn Statistics, 2018–2019
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB , OMHRS Inpatient Hospitalization, Surgery and Newborn Statistics, 2019–2020
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB , OMHRS Inpatient Hospitalization, Surgery and Newborn Statistics, 2020-2021
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB , OMHRS Inpatient Hospitalization, Surgery and Newborn Statistics, 2021-2022
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB Inpatient Hospitalization, Surgery and Newborn Statistics, 2022-2023
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB Inpatient Hospitalizations, Surgeries and Newborn Indicators, 2015–2016
Pre-formatted Table DAD , HMDB Inpatient Hospitalizations, Surgeries and Newborn Indicators, 2016–2017
Interactive Data NRS Inpatient Rehabilitation Clients Reporting an Improvement of Pain at Discharge
Interactive Data NRS Length of Stay and Length of Stay Efficiency of Inpatient Rehabilitation Clients
Interactive Data NRS Median Length of Stay in Inpatient Rehabilitation
Pre-formatted Table NACRS NACRS Emergency Department Visits and Length of Stay, 2016–2017
Pre-formatted Table NACRS NACRS Emergency Department Visits and Length of Stay, 2017–2018
Pre-formatted Table NACRS NACRS Emergency Department Visits and Length of Stay, 2018–2019 (XLXS)
Pre-formatted Table NACRS NACRS Emergency Department Visits and Length of Stay, 2019–2020
Pre-formatted Table NACRS NACRS Emergency Department Visits and Lengths of Stay by Province/Territory, 2020–2021

How to cite:

Canadian Institute for Health Information. Quick Stats. Accessed May 4, 2024.

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