interRAI Change Management Checklist

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While this list isn’t exhaustive, it may help your organization identify some steps to take when implementing interRAI assessments.

Step 1: Define your current state

  • Where is your organization now when it comes to using interRAI assessments? 
  • Identify the differences between the new interRAI system and the one(s) your organization is currently using. This step should be factored into your implementation plan timelines.
    • Can interRAI assessments replace some or all of your current assessments?

Step 2: Conduct a readiness assessment 

  • Consider all that’s involved and assess your organization’s level of readiness to achieve the results, do the work and complete the project. Some things to think about include
    • How and when to implement an assessment and its related business processes
    • How your organization will absorb the changes arising from implementation 
    • Your staff’s ongoing ability to manage those changes

Step 3: Design a business case

  • A business case captures the rationale for initiating a change, project or task to support your specific business need — in this case, implementing the interRAI assessment system in your organization. 

Step 4: Identify a sponsor for the project

  • Ideally, this person is at a level in the organization that will allow him or her to articulate and defend the needs of the project at the senior management level.
  • Sponsorship should be broadly shared, but there still needs to be clear accountability.

Step 5: Set up a steering committee 

This group’s main purpose is to keep the implementation project on schedule and on budget. Tasks might include

  • Setting metrics and indicators to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the project
  • Developing and implementing a communication plan, external and internal

Your external communication plan should

  • Explain to stakeholders why your organization is implementing the interRAI assessment system
  • Highlight the key message that more accurate and consistent assessments mean better quality care
  • Focus on success stories that highlight the interRAI assessment system 

Your internal communication plan should

  • Cover all levels of the organization
  • Meet needs ranging from awareness to availability of technical detail
  • Clearly explain how and when implementation will occur, how it will be monitored and how decisions on realigned priorities and resources will be made

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